AFP Engage! User's Guide

Getting Started


AFP Engage! includes two key ease-of-use features:

This chapter discusses getting started with each key feature. Using AFP Engage! is discussed more fully in the next chapter.


System Requirements

As an AFP Server Browser

As an AFP URL Processor



Place AFP Engage! at any convenient location on the hard drive of client machines which will be accessing AFP servers. If you intend to use AFP Engage! as an AFP server browser, both client and ShareWay machines must be running Mac OS 8.5 or later and the extension "SLPPlugin" must be in the System folder's Extensions folder.

To install AFP Engage!s online help on a client's machine (OS 8.5 and later), drag "AFP Engage! Guide" to the same folder on the client's machine as AFP Engage!, and drag the folder "AFP Engage! Help" to the Help folder within the System folder on the client's machine.

Note that online help is available through the Macintosh Help Center with OS 8.5 and later, but it is available through AFP Engage!'s Help menu only with OS 8.6 and later.



A single-user license to AFP Engage! is included with each copy purchased of ShareWay IP 2.0 and later. This copy of AFP Engage! may be installed on only one client machine. Additional copies of AFP Engage! must be purchased directly from Open Door Networks for use on additional client machines. Volume and site licenses are available.


Browsing AFP Servers

The easiest way to initiate access to AFP Servers is through the "Browse AFP Servers" window. ShareWay IP and client machines must be running Mac OS 8.5 or later, and must be on the same intranet. AFP Engage! can dynamically find and display servers targeted by ShareWay IP 2.0 and later, displaying them by target server name. Initiating access to such a server is as easy as double-clicking a server name in the list.


Processing AFP URLs

By registering AFP Engage! as an AFP Helper, you can click on AFP URLs in HTML documents to initiate access to AFP servers. When AFP Engage! is first launched, it automatically registers with whatever Web browser is running.

Eudora 3.0 and later will also process AFP URLs. The first time an AFP URL is clicked in a Eudora document, Eudora will ask you to specify a helper app. Choose AFP Engage!.

See AFP URL Links and Using AFP Engage! with Eudora for details.

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